1 Wednesday | 12.30 pm | Light in the Forest (Forest Chapel) |
2 Thursday | 11.30 am | Holy Communion |
| 12.15 pm | Bring & Share lunch* |
| 1.30 pm | Jolly tots* |
3 Friday | 2.00 pm | Knit & natter* |
5 THIRD SUNDAY BEFORE LENT | 10.00 am | Parish Communion & Junior Church |
| 3.00 pm | Parish Evensong (Forest Chapel) |
8 Wednesday | 12.30 pm | Light in the Forest (Forest Chapel) |
9 Thursday | 7.45 pm | Home Group (6 Forest Close) |
12 SECOND SUNDAY BEFORE LENT | 10.00 am | Family Service |
| 6.30 pm | Celtic Eucharist |
15 Wednesday | 12.30 pm | Light in the Forest (Forest Chapel) |
16 Thursday | 1.30 pm | Jolly Tots* |
17 Friday | 2.00 pm | Knit & natter* |
19 SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE LENT | 10.00 am | Parish Communion & Junior Church |
21 Tuesday | 7.30 pm | Mothers’ Union Meeting |
22 Ash Wednesday | 12.30 pm | Light in the Forest (Forest Chapel) |
| 6.30 pm | Holy Communion & imposition of ashes |
25 Saturday | 10.00 am | Saturday Café & Bring & Buy Sale |
26 LENT 1 | 10.00 am | Parish Communion & Junior Church |
1 Wednesday | 12.30 pm | Light in the Forest (Forest Chapel) |
2 Thursday | 7.00 pm | Lent Course* |
5 LENT 2 | 10.00 am | Parish Communion & Junior Church |
| 3.00 pm | Parish Evensong (Forest Chapel) |
NB Items marked thus* are in the Church Centre